Environment Policy
We’ve been into being green since before it was hip and genuinely do it because we believe it, not because we think it’s good for business.

Travel & Emissions
We run 4 company cars, 3 zero emission Renault Zoes (bought second-hand) and 1 VW Up! with a small petrol engine, for those really busy days where a 70 mile range won’t quite do it. → Realistically though electric cars are not the answer. They still pollute and get in the way, so we try to conduct as many appointments as we can on foot and by bike. Our company bikes are reclaimed and refurbished from the Post Office by a charity who give one to families in Malawi for each one we buy. → We also work hard to travel less by working on route-planning efficiency. Bunching nearby appointments together to totally avoid unnecessary journeys is far better than making each journey by more efficient means.
Process & Print
Following new processes and procedures implemented in 2020 after Covid-19 arrived we now send our detailed personalised video viewings to prospective purchasers as their first viewing along with 3D video tours. This has reduced the number of physical viewings by around 60%, eliminating wasted journeys and cutting emissions and also saving everyone time and effort. → For 2022 we are printing less and using only recycled and FSC-certified papers in what we do print. We already print far less than many in the industry and less than we did, but we can do better. → Our offices were overhauled in 2019 with improved insulation and the removal of the previous gas heating system to be replaced with electric, plus full LED and low-energy lighting. → We continue to try to use small, local suppliers where we possibly can.
Other suggestions gratefully received. Modest or ambitious.